
How Is Leadership Affected By EQ?

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Key features

Executive page

• Identify areas in which you excel and help fuel organizational and personal performance.
• Flag skills in need of development in order to prioritize strategies for growth.

Leadership bar

A gold leadership bar appears on the Overview Total EI page, and above all bar graphs on every subscale page. This bar represents the range of scores of the top leaders (those who EQ-i 2.0 scores were in the top 50% of the leader sample).  Using this bar, you can compare your results on the EQ-i 2.0 to those exceptional leaders who demonstrate high EI. Focus development efforts in areas where you scored lower than other leaders, in order to improve your leadership capabilities.

Specific applications for this report are:

• Leadership development
• Executive development and coaching
• Developing high potentials
• Senior level selection and succession planning

Leadership potential page

• This section provides you with a leadership lens through which to view your EQ-i 2.0 results. A leader who embodies higher EI through the 4 key dimensions of leadership is more likely to increase work satisfaction, create trust, and foster organizational commitment and loyalty.  The graphical icons will appear on every subscale page linking the subscale to the four leadership competencies.

• The Leadership derailer section examines how low scores for specific EI skills may hinder leadership success.

The Leadership Report examines results through four key dimensions: Authenticity, Coaching, Insight, and Innovation.

EI in Action: Leadership

Darrin, a successful executive at the age of 43, recently joined a top data analytics firm. However, he has been struggling with his insecurities around his age, lack of postgraduate degree, and inexperience with advanced research projects, as most of his direct reports are more experienced and qualified academically. This has been causing him significant stress, with a constant fear of being out of his depth and waiting to be called out on it. To enhance his self-awareness and relationship building skills, Darrin has turned to the EQ-i 2.0 as an opportunity to improve himself and excel in his new role.

EI Assessment results

After taking the EQ-i 2.0 assessment, Darrin was surprised by his results. However, he discovered that he had strengths in Interpersonal Relationships and Decision Making which he used to develop a plan to improve his weaker areas of Happiness and Self-Actualization. With the help of a coach, Darrin created an action plan that included seeking out a mentor who could assist in building his knowledge. By optimizing his strengths and addressing his weaker elements, Darrin was able to swiftly transform insights into actionable progress.

Take the Assessment

When to use the EQ-I 2.0 leadership report?

The Leadership Report can be used when honing in on leadership development, executive development and developing high potential leaders.
Scenario 1
A leader within the organization shows strengths in core competencies necessary for the role, but may be exhibiting EQ blind spots of which peers are taking notice.
Scenario 2
A company finds an employee that exhibits great work ethic and is an emerging star amongst his/her peers, while showing comparable traits to leaders within the organization.
Gain valuable insights from our report on leadership derailers and development strategies. Discover which skills have the potential to hinder effective leadership and learn how to achieve true leadership potential. Use top leaders as a benchmark to compare your results and chart the path to success. Don't miss out on the key strategies and implications outlined in this essential report.

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Book a Private Coaching Session

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Recommend the EQ Leadership Assessment.

A 30 minute 1-on-1 session with an Emotional Intelligence Coach to discuss your assessment. This personal coaching session can be scheduled for a date after you have taken the Emotional Intelligence Assessment and received your confidential individualized report via email.

Emotional Intelligence Workshop

Register today and start gaining the necessary tools to help you succeed!

Alex Rider
CEO of Polester
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By attending this workshop you'll gain an understanding of how mastering your emotions leads to better decision making, managing stress levels more effectively, building empathy skills, improving problem-solving abilities and strengthens relationships with other people.

Emotional Intelligence Model Overview:

Depending on your individual or organizational needs, there are a variety of assessments that can be used for individual contributors, leaders and  teams/groups. Reports are designed with clear interpretation guidelines and results-driven content.

Workplace Assessment:

Assessments can be an invaluable tool for individual contributors to boost their performance and career success. Assessment provide insight into strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to make informed decisions about how they use their time and energy in order to maximize their potential.

360 Assessment:

Taking a 360 degree assessment can be a powerful tool for individual contributors and business leaders alike. Through assessments, they not only receive feedback anonymously from peers, managers, family members and close friends, but also benefit from the opportunity for self-reflection on the progress that has been made so far.

Team/Group Aggregated Assessment:

Regardless of whether a group works harmoniously with great collaboration and cohesion, or finds itself with conflicting opinions that affect the balance of the group, assessments can allow for deeper insights into a group’s strengths as well as areas where they can be more effective and develop to their full potential..